Chooper's Guide ... the Internet's most comprehensive substance abuse treatment, prevention and intervention resource directory.


Find Addiction Treatment Programs and Addiction Professionals

Find Substance Use and Addiction Treatment Programs and Recovery Resources and Information including drug and alcohol rehabs and co-occurring disorders treatment; recovery residences and sober houses; methadone clinics; suboxone treatment providers; drug and alcohol counselors and addiction interventionists; naloxone providers; Harm Reduction Resources; Syringe Exchange Programs; the latest research articles on the neuroscience of addiction; help for family members and friends; upcoming addiction events and conferences; advanced substance use treatment and addiction professionals search capabilities and more — Welcome to Chooper’s Guide — the Internet’s most comprehensive addiction treatment and recovery resource directory. Global Addiction Resources for a Global Addiction Problem with multi-lingual support.


ChoopersGuide- Overdose Prevention Overdose Warning Network

Being A Drug Addict Should Not Be A Crime,

Locking One Up Should Be 

Addicts Need Treatment, Not Incarceration  

Visit Our Social Justice Area

CHOOPER’S GUIDE is Proud to Partner with the Following Industry Leaders

  • Rockers in Recovery

    Rockers in Recovery

    These folks are committed to strengthening the Recovery Community through music and are coming to Maine on August 27, 2016 to host the Love of Recovery Music Festival in Walpole, ME.

  • OWN

    Chooper's Guide is pleased to announce that an updated version of the First Realtime Overdose Warning System for First Responders for Opioid Overdoses. Available for Android, IOS and Windows. Comprehensive reporting by location and demographics.


    Choopers Guide is proud to be a founding member. PTACC is the definitive voice of the field of deflection and pre-arrest diversion.

  • Detroit Recovery Project

    Detroit Recovery Project

    Taking it to the streets. Inner city Detroit should have a moment of silence for this program everyday. They do what very few organizations do and do it with passion, commitment and professionalism. They serve the forgotten hardcore and homeless.

  • The Choopers Foundation

    Founded in 2015, The Choopers Foundation primary objectives are to elevate awareness of addiction as a biopsychosocial disorder, promote social justice, influence drug policy and to educate providers and the public.

  • Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

    Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

    These pioneers have elevated the awareness of the dangers and consequences of drug prohibition amongst the law enforcement community and understand that "we can not arrest our way out of the drug problem".

  • The Kennedy Forum

    It is an honor to partner with The Kennedy Forum a group of dedicated addiction and mental health professionals, that work tirelessly to influence policy to change in the way mental health and addictions are treated in our healthcare system.

  • We Support Harm Reduction

    Chooper's Guide and The Choopers Foundation are committed to the policies and practices of Harm Reduction and believe it is essential to Meet People Where They Are and that there are many paths to Recovery

  • Breaking the

    Kudos to Lisa Frederiksen, one of our first partners, for her contributions to the field of substance misuse. Her gift is her ability to translate complex issues surrounding substance misuse and mental health into language that is easily grasped by a


    Reel Recovery Film Festival


  • Compassion... Creativity... Community

    An innovator in Medication Assisted Treatment & Medication Assisted Recovery.

  • Maine Harm Reduction Alliance

    Choopers Guide and The Choopers Foundation are committed to furthering Harm Reduction Policies and Practices in the state of Maine including decriminalization of possession, naloxone access, drug consumption rooms and syringe exchange programs

Stigma, shame, denial - tears, desperation, despair...

Brain and addiction research - hope, abstinence, recovery


  • We believe that alcoholism and drug addiction are biopsychosocial disorders.
  • We believe that addiction is a brain disease.
  • We believe that the escalating rate of substance use disorders is directly correlated with neo-liberalism and the fragmentation of society.
  • We believe that all addictive disorders (whether it is an addiction to alcohol or prescription or illegal drugs) are treatable.
  • We believe that not only is recovery possible, it is a reality.
  • We believe in equal access to treatment and that there is no “one” or “right” way to do treatment.
  • We believe that medication can be a crucial factor in treatment and in recovery.
  • We believe that the dogma and intolerance of 12 step organizations towards medication assisted recovery is in direct conflict with the spiritual context of their origin and is a causal factor in relapse and death.
  • We believe that alcoholism and drug addiction are medical not moral or legal problems.
  • We believe that the drug war was ill conceived, that it has failed and that it is one of the greatest social justice issues of this century.
  • We believe that the stigma society attaches to alcoholism and drug addiction perpetuates and escalates the problem.
  • We believe that the language used in treatment and recovery promulgates stigma and discrimination.
  • We believe that alcoholism and drug addiction are chronic diseases and those afflicted should be treated with the same level of care and dignity as those with other chronic diseases, eg., diabetes or hypertension.
  • We believe that understanding the five key risk factors for developing the diseases of alcoholism and drug addiction (genetics, social environment, childhood trauma, mental illness and early use) is critical.
  • We believe that inappropriate referrals result in higher recidivism and drug related mortality rates.
  • We believe that no one should have to die from alcoholism and drug addiction.

